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Every 2 months, we edit a mixtape with the tracks (fresh and old) that accompanied us on our journey...
We do not make profit off these tracks, we’re only promoting the music. Peace!

L’histoire d’une rencontre, d’un amour fou. Un conte en 24 titres qui pause une question existentielle quand on est un vampire : a-t-on une âme soeur si l’on a vendu la sienne au Diable ? Vous avez une heure.

Deuxième chapitre et suite de notre mixtape « Somewhere in space ». Nous vous emmenons de nouveau vers les tréfonds mystérieux de l’espace infini…

Un little tour de France, sans effort and sans EPO, en 18 tracks.

Une mixtape à écouter tard le soir, quand dans le silence d’une nuit noire le sommeil ne vient pas…

Une mixtape pour changer d’air un instant et découvrir 16 chemins d’à côtés, pas si loin mais déjà ailleurs.

Un nouveau cartable, des habits tout neufs et quelques affaires de l’an dernier. C’est la mixtape de la rentrée mes enfants.

Dark side of Hip Hop Sombre, flippant, dur, agressif, hardcore… Appelez cela comme vous voulez mais on vous aura prévenu, cette mixtape vient tout droit des profondeurs du hip-hop…

Le coeur d’un homme en 19 morceaux, recollés en une mixtape. Parce qu’on aime, ressent et pleure comme n’importe quel homme.

Une parmi d’autres, celle aux basses chaudes éclectiques, où l’électro per-cho le rock et la pop mate la techno. Une boîte de nuit, simple, sans sap et sans chorée, une boîte de nuit juste pour danser, pour commencer…

Une histoire d’amour, deux coeurs adjacents, l’éloignement, la séparation, une mixtape, 14 titres pour le dire : It’s over now. A love story, two adjacents hearts, the distance, the separation, a mixtape, 14 tracks to say "it's over now".

Los Angeles, une fête dans le sous-sol d’un hôtel. Un escalier, un couloir au fond des cuisines vides, puis les énormes portes d'un frigo duquel s'échappent des basses puissantes... Nous pénétrons dans une salle à l’atmosphère incroyable : une foule danse, illuminée par des boules à facettes, sur des pulsations disco et funk. Voici quelques uns des morceaux entendus lors de cette soirée inoubliable...

Cool in our sofa, nothing to do, hanging around in the late afternoon or cool like a summer family dinner, listening to Hip-Hop and drinking lemonade on a rocking chair… We’re cool like that! So Sit down, adjust the cushions, stretch your legs… ready ? Mixtape #16...

As Autumn embraces us, keeping our week-ends rainy, we sometimes need to go outside and melt our salty tears to the acid drops of the city. So let love rains and melancholy flows with that new mixtape of ours. It looks like rain, so let those 17 tracks drip my friend!

Here we go for 54 minutes of Rock, Hardcore Hip Hop, Grime, Metal, Drum ’n Bass and techno. Ears, speakers or neighbors, nothing will be spared. Pump up the volume, now you’re warned, this is really something else!

AsHip Hop lovers, we also love to dig for the originals tracks, the raw material where producers and beat-makers found their samples. So here is our Mixtape number 13, back in time, back in the 60s and 70s, with a full bunch of rare (and less rare) tracks. Styles don’t matter, it’s just good old music!

« Let’s talk about sex baby, let’s talk about you and me, let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be ». Enough said! This is our sticky, hot and sweaty mixtape number 12. Listen to it if you’re up to it!

Clouds are great, clouds never let you down, clouds never ask you who you’re texting… so they deserved a mixtape. A soft mixtape with sounds that will bring you up, so high that you will kiss the skies. Clouds are like dreams floating across a sky-blue mind…

Have you ever wanted to hear some creepy 8-bit Hip hop, wonky soul or twisted pop songs ? Well it’s about time! What the f..k is that?! That’s just our 10th mixtape with some chunks of weird tracks in it (but, some not-so-weird ones after all).

Africa is the future so you'd better be ready! This mixtape steps into the great continent, not to be exhaustive, but to get your ear updated! From Nubia to South Africa, through the Sahara, here are the 18 tracks we've been listening to this summer. Life is about to take new paths...

After 3 months spent working underground, we needed to let our brain vanish in the outer space. As music is always a great place to find the Infinite, those 17 tracks should let you bite a slice of it.

Do you want to get high? We do! High on musics and you know we like to share it. So take that Mixtape 7 as it is : 18 dope tracks, another flight into the fantasy...

Sun seems to be here for good, so emerge from your cocoon, slip off your « doudoune » and listen to this tunes ! It’s the Mixtape 6, take a walk along the beach, Spring is just the beginning of many things...

That bit of salad was on your teeth all day? It was not a costume party? You should have turned off your webcam? Whatever! Repeat: "I feel so good, I feel so funky". Back to basics, because sometimes we need it!

"Stars shine in the black firmament, the light needs darkness for its brightest moments". So you wanna go some place dark, don't you ?

Yes it's time to go to school! But to go with those shiny shoes and our brand new schoolbag, what about some fresh sounds ?

You may stay in your hood, your house, your office or your traffic jam, there is always a way to create your own sunny beach. We wish these tracks (fresh and old) will take you far enough to bounce on some warm sand!

Hop in a taxi, a train, a plane... Let's go bring back summer! But don't forget the music... so we give you, avec plaisir, our first monthly mixtape. The tracks (fresh and old) that accompanied us on our journey this past month.